Brook Haakenson | Account Manager | Confidence Starts Within

I used to believe the best way to reach my destination was to take the quickest and easiest path.

After reading some self-improvement books and listening to a few podcasts, I thought I learned a thing or two about becoming the best version of myself. It wasn’t until I forced myself into places that were completely out of my comfort zone that I found new confidence in myself to take on bigger tasks and more responsibilities. By pushing myself out of my comfort zone I learned that I could tap into more of my potential.

Going through and enjoying the process, struggle, and hardship of each goal has taught me discipline and new skills.

In 2020 I tried my first “hard” thing, completing a nationally recognized program called “75 Hard”. This program requires you to complete the following tasks each day: complete two 45-minute workouts, drink a gallon of water, read 10 pages, and follow a diet (no junk food or alcohol) — all for 75 days straight with zero compromises. If you fail, you start over on day 1. Completing this program was the kickstart to the realization of the potential I had and helped me realize that I am capable of much more than I thought.

After completing the “75 Hard” program, I have since continued to find ways of pushing myself to new limits. In 2021, my fiancé and I finished our first ruck of 13.5 miles wearing 20 lbs. on our backs.

In 2022, we finished a 22-mile ruck, again with 20 lbs. on our backs, and in November of this year, I decided to sign up to run a half-marathon in support of one of our Powertex customers, NWTF. When signing up for their virtual race, there was an option to run a 5k, 10k, or half-marathon. In the back of my mind, I knew I was going for that half-marathon. Leading up to the virtual race in November I had full intentions of training for it but fell short and found myself in a place where I had to make a choice – run the half-marathon with zero training or choose the easier path knowing damn well that if I failed, I wouldn’t feel any sort of accomplishment. On the morning of November 13, I woke up and chose to complete the half-marathon, knowing it would be tougher having no training, but knew I could push myself to do it. With every mile, my confidence grew stronger as my body grew weaker. I finished my first half-marathon (13.1 miles) in 2 hours and 3 minutes. I made a promise to myself that no matter how slow I had to run, I would not stop until I was done, and I accomplished that.

I truly believe there are no shortcuts in life — that anything worth having is worth fighting for.

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